Favorite Things: March 2 – 15, 2019

favorite things

Good morning and happy Friday! During my travels, I had the misfortune of sitting across the aisle from a woman who was clearly sick. And guess what? Now I’m sick. I have not so much as caught a cold most of this pregnancy and one week of traveling and my immune system is like, “What happened?” Luckily not too much going on today. I’ll make an attempt at 19.4 and then we’re heading down to Ohio for the rest of the weekend. I’m ready to get back on a regular schedule next week.

Any time I sign up for a race: the power of a fear-based fitness plan.

Helpful to some of my 1% goals — how to eat out less. Related.

Have you been following the college admission bribery scandal? I agree there is an even bigger lie behind it — about college in general.

Related: Athletes who lied missed all the rewards.

I am this person.

I am loving Katie Arnold’s column “Raising Rippers” on raising adventurous children.

Big plans for this weekend? I know it is St. Patrick’s Day, but I’ll probably be quietly celebrating by relaxing and not doing anything.

Have a great weekend!




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