Tales from my first CrossFit Open: 19.3 Scaled

crossfit, pregnancy, training

Sorry to be so quiet over here, but it has been a crazy week! We took a long trip for a job interview which required a lot of preparation, so a lot of extracurriculars (like this blog) were put on hold while we prepared, packed, and traveled. I’ll post this week’s and last week’s “Monday Miles” next week — though, admittedly, this has not been my most physically active week. Aside for a lot of walking around, 19.3 is the last time I’ve worked out, which will make 19.4 tomorrow pretty interesting. Life gives you rest days and sometimes rest weeks.

You can see 19.1 here and 19.2 here.

19.3 Scaled

200 ft. dumb-bell front-rack lunge @ 35 lbs.

50 dumb-bell box step-ups @ 35 lbs.

50 in. elevated strict hand-stand push-ups

200 ft. bear crawl

10 minute time-cap

I went into this work-out with a better attitude than the last. I’m not sure if it was just better sleep or I was just feeling physically better. I went with more of a “let’s see what I can do” attitude instead of the “I can’t do anything and everything hurts” attitude of last week. I think it made all the difference.

The first 100 feet of the lunges were perfectly fine and went (for me) quickly. But after awhile, I kept doing that weird after lunge hobble and kept having to start my lunges back over for them to count. That Bruno, he’s a ruthless judge.

19.3 3

19.3 4

After every 25 feet, I would take a break and a sip of water. My Braxton Hicks have been kind of nasty lately. I read drinking more water helps, so I would swig some, but they never acted up during the work-out and not too bad after. And unlike the many squats we’ve been doing lately, I did not have any pelvic problems. Thank goodness. I’ve never loved lunges before, but they may become my new favorite — they still hurt, but you know, in the normal way.

I thought the box step-ups were the hardest part. I quickly discovered my left leg is a lot weaker than my right. Huffing and puffing, I was pretty ready for it to be over at this point and my quads were on fire. When I realized I was going to actually get fifty box-step ups in — something I did not think I would be capable of doing — I went faster. Bruno yelled — I think something like “get mad at it, like it’s Bill Kristol or John McCain is back from the dead and wants to invade another country.” The things that motivate me.

19.3 5

I finished the box step-ups at 9:50. I am really happy with that. I sat and huffed and puffed, making sure to drink more water. It was nice to end the week on a solid win and a solid work-out before the dearth of physical activity that happened this past week.

19.3 6

We took a baby bump picture (this is 27 weeks!) and head out. Three out of five work-outs done and two left! I’m excited to see what will happen next. Hopefully, the positive attitude from this week will hang around for the next two.

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