January 2019 Goals : How Did it Go?

crossfit, goals, pregnancy, running, swimming, year of 1% better

We’ve reached the end of the first month of the year! I’ll admit, it felt like a long month. Not a bad month, but it just sort of felt like it was January forever. I have a suspicion though that February will fly by — not because it is short, but because it is my dissertation defense month.

Inspired by James Clear’s Atomic Habits, I declared 2019 the year of 1% better. Though I did have some big goals like running one thousand miles, mainly I just wanted to work on little things, little habits. Part of this is because so much of 2019 is up in the air with a baby coming late May/early June and not even knowing where we will live, work, etc. (I’m not stressed, I’m not stressed, I’m not stressed) next year. I did not want to make a grand goal, get attached, and have something out of my hands happen. The other reason is that I am still convinced by Clear’s arguments. Do small things and eventually they will make a big difference.

So how did January’s 1% better goals go? Quick review: I wanted to submit my dissertation, run ninety-one miles, practice double-unders 3x a week, do not go out to eat (unless, of course, someone invites us out), swim 1x a week, read a book on Catholicism, and poach an egg.

I’ll begin with the most important. I submitted my dissertation last week Friday. And yes, I feel as weird about being done as I expected. This was the most important thing I had to get done this month. All else could slide (and as you’ll see did slide), but this was my baby, so to speak. A project I began working on in the spring 2017 is beginning to be over, although I suspect I’ll be stuck with Jean-Jacques Rousseau for awhile. I’m committed, ha!

The goals to run/walk 91 miles and to practice double-unders 3x a week did not happen. I am not one to offer excuses, but this was a little bit out of my control. I’ll offer the excuse of pregnancy. A couple weeks ago I had excruciating pelvic pain. I sat down on the couch and just could not get up. It is significantly better now, although definitely still there. It does seem, though, that running aggravates it. I have a pre-natal appointment today and I plan on talking about it, but it was a real bummer. To add injury to injury, I messed up my left ankle while attempting to do double-unders the other week. Granted, it also is doing much better. It was black and blue and swollen. Now, two weeks later, it is just swollen. Still, I’m calling the double-unders a win. Even with the little bit of extra work I did put into them before ankle-gate, I could tell I was improving. They were not beautiful, but my double-under attempts in work-outs actually began to include actual double-under successes. I feel confident that when things start to get better and I work on them again, I will begin to improve in no time. I cannot do double-unders, but I definitely became 1% better.

I only swam twice this month. I’ll admit, I love swimming, but it is really hard to get motivated. Also, currently, my swimsuit does not fit and when I put it on, I can actually hear, “I am the egg man. Whooo. They are the egg man. Whooo. I am the walrus…” I ordered a new one, a bikini even (giving that belly some room!). And it did not fit. Ok, these are excuses. Still, that is two times more than December and I love being able to swim with a watch.

We only went out to eat by ourselves once this entire month. Our reason was to celebrate me finishing and submitting my dissertation which it seemed required a little more fanfare and getting out of the house. With other people, I think we went out to eat twice. We used to go out to eat about three times a week, whether that was picking up sandwiches or whatever. I am calling this a huge success and I’m hoping to keep it up. As I said, it is not like the food around here is spectacular. It is just sheer laziness that led us to eat out as much as we did. Plus, not eating out has had led to other good habits such as finally starting to meal plan and prep. Successfully.

I’m doing the Carrots for Michaelmas CathoLIT2019 reading challenge, as a sort of over-all goal for the year. I finished my first Catholic read for the year with True Devotion to Mary. I usually read in the mornings, so this has actually been a pretty easy habit to incorporate.

Did I poach an egg? You should know better than to even ask. Those eggs have only been boiled (eaten with some delicious Maldon salt, oh my goodness the best discovery of 2019 so far) or fried over-medium in January. Maybe next month?

How have your 2019 goals been going? Did you have specific January goals?





What I’m Loving Lately V

books, daily life, dissertation, food, music

Before I even get started, I should say that what I am loving lately the most is heat and our furnace. I am loving modernity and the industrial revolution, because I feel like I am living in a Jack London novel. I am loving that I have a flexible schedule that allows for me to stay home all day if I want to. Being a graduate student is (sometimes) the best. With wind chill in the -40s in Michigan today (although strangely it will be 48 degrees on Sunday), I am very much loving that I am inside.

Watching: Like everyone else this past week, I watched the Fyre documentaries on Netflix and Hulu. You know you are a total nerd when, you go to Krogers and make lame jokes with your husband about “late stage capitalism” the entire time you picking out what you are about to binge on (peanut butter m and m’s and yogurt covered pretzels for me, Twizzlers for Bruno), probably scaring the other consumers. Ok, back to the documentaries. I recommend and I’ll admit not for the most virtuous of reasons. I definitely have a sort of #richpeopleproblems attitude to the whole debacle. There was one “influencer” who was not even shown for longer than two minutes (in both documentaries) who made me rage (“low, low economy”). I will say though it made me question whether I was part of the problem due to my (probably excessive) use of Instagram, so I pre-ordered Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism to try to temper my social media-addict ways. Sidenote: the Fyre Festival memes on ultrarunningmemes are gold.

Listening: I am really liking Weezer’s Teal Album. I did not initially love their cover of Toto’s Africa, but it grew on me and I was pleasantly surprised with all the other covers on the album. A few favorites: Everybody Wants to Rule the World, Sweet Dreams are Made of These, and Paranoid. Weezer covering Black Sabbath may be one of the most fun songs I’ve heard in awhile. I went through a Weezer phase in high school (this is a thing, right?) and listened to plenty of the Blue Album and Pinkerton (just like this SNL sketch), but then never really listened to them again. So, it has been fun to listen to those albums again.

Reading: Confession? Not much. I’m reading True Devotion to Mary as a part of this reading challenge, but most of my reading has been Jean-Jacques Rousseau and dissertation-related as I begin to prepare for my defense next month. So yeah, strangely nothing too exciting here unless you are into the sources of inequality and the great swindle that led to political society.

Eating: I have been having bad cravings again. I made these blondies yesterday to satiate my sugar tooth and they were amazing. But mostly, it has been nothing too exciting — lots of soups made from my favorite cookbook. I switched up my flour from white to whole wheat for my sour dough bread and it was just ok — why does the bad stuff always taste better? I did start making my own yogurt and I will admit, it tastes much better than what you can get in the store.

I hope you all are staying warm! What are you loving lately?




Monday Miles : January 21 – 27, 2019

crossfit, lifting, monday miles, running, swimming, training

I did not run a single step last week. After noticing my ankle was not getting better and instead turning all black and blue, I decided to just keep off of it. My ankle could not have picked a better time to malfunction, because the weather has been terrible. This week is only going to get worse with several days remaining in the negatives.

Though my ankle is starting to look better and is no longer bruised and the swelling is starting to go down, I probably will not be running this week either. I do not want to risk it. I know my joints and ligaments are all loosey-goosey (is that right?) at the moment and the last thing I want to do is create lasting damage that I have to deal with post-pregnancy too.

So this week was all CrossFit. It was probably for the best I did not run, because it was a rough week.

1 – 21 : JasYoga Back Relief.

1 – 22 : CrossFit. 3 rounds for time – 9 power snatches @ 35 lbs., 15 push-jerks @ 35 lbs., 21 air squats + wall push-ups. 9 minutes 43 seconds. I’m still not quite sure what the difference between a push-jerk and a push-press are. They look the same to me. And I know I did the power snatches, but I already forget what they are. Movement vocabulary is hard. After we did max reps for pull-ups. Guess how many I did? Maybe after pregnancy….

1 – 23 : CrossFit. Hang power-clean every thirty seconds for ten minutes (20 reps). 45 lbs., 50 lbs., 55 lbs, 55 lbs., 55 lbs., 55 lbs., 60 lbs., 60 lbs., 65 lbs., 65 lbs., 70 lbs., 70 lbs, 70 lbs., 70 lbs., 70 lbs., 70 lbs., 70 lbs., 70 lbs., 70 lbs., 70 lbs. I have never gone above 55 lbs, for a hang power-clean, so basically after five reps it was all PRs from there. Also, because I cannot do math, I thought we were done after my first 70 lbs. Ha! 4 x for time – 15 high knee-raises on a bar, 50 foot dumb-bell walking lunge @ 10 lbs. 8 minutes 14 seconds. My hands were tired.

1 – 24 : CrossFit. Four rounds – 00:00-2:00, 400m row; 2:00-4:00, rest; 4:00-6:00 Air squat + wall push-up; 6:00-8:00, Rest. Managed to get all rows in with seconds to spare and about 210 air squat and wall push-ups.

1 – 25 : CrossFit. This is the workout I had been waiting for all week. You see, back in December we did a thruster work-out that hurt so bad. That was when I met Jackie. When I doing my thrusters, people were already done with their pull-ups. I did not want to run away and hide the next time they were on schedule and they were this day with a vengeance. I’m happy to say it went much better. For time – 50 thrusters @ 35 lbs., 40 jumping pull-ups, 30 thrusters @ 35 lbs., 20 jumping pull-ups, 10 thrusters @ 45 lbs. 13 minutes 11 seconds. I suspect not underestimating thrusters is what made them better this time. I have a healthy fear now and it made all the difference.

1 – 26 : I had every intention of going to the pool to swim today. I went to the pool and it was packed. The end. Bruno and I bought a bunch of candy (I promise this never happens) and watched the Fyre documentaries.

1 – 27 : Rest.

Totals: 0 Runs, 0 Swims, 4 hours CrossFit, no double-under practice. 4 hours total.


Favorite Things: January 19 – 25, 2019

favorite things

It has been kind of quiet here this week, but I’ve been using most of my time to finish up the dissertation. I probably could have been finished days ago, but I just keep looking at it, wondering if it is fine to turn it yet. Today, I’m answering with a big yes, going through format one last time, then godspeed dissertation. Make me proud. Or at the very least, do not shame me.

So without further ado, here are this week’s favorite things:

For a chuckle: Make America Smoke Again.

I am in full nesting mode and I can tell by what I google: Cleaning tips. 24 Effective Cleaning Products.

The grocery store does stress me out.

As a Catholic and a runner, I can appreciate some running nuns.

I liked this article on trail runner Emelie Forsberg.


Another great irunfar article from Sabrina Little on being story-telling animals.


Tomorrow is sourdough Saturday. Here is a beautiful article on making bread.


There is always a simpler way.

Something I need to work on: turning off the noise.

Why is this so fascinating? Influencer economy gone wrong.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Twenty-Two Weeks Update

crossfit, daily life, pregnancy, running

As I mentioned yesterday, we went in for our twenty week ultrasound. Our sonographer said everything looked good, but we’ll learn more next week during our regular appointment. While the best part was being told everything looked good (relief), the second best was being told that baby was measuring bigger than they expected. Instead of being due early June, I’m due late May. While I am not sure it makes a difference, it is kind of nice to know things are moving along. It all still feels so far away, but as I told Bruno when we got home, technically if the new due date is right, we only have three full months (February, March, April) sans-baby left. Not only that, but I’ll be walking for my doctoral graduation exactly two weeks before I am due. That might be a long ceremony.


But how is it going? I mentioned last week I was dealing with pelvic pain and yesterday that I think I did something to my ankle — probably due to the change in ligaments (I’m falling apart). But aside from that, what is going on?

I keep waking up at 3 in the morning. At least two to three times a week, I am up at three. I have determined it is better to just roll with it instead of fighting it in bed. So, I wake up, do my morning thing. I’m lucky to have a flexible schedule, so I can take a nap later if need be, but I actually try really hard not to so I can still get to bed at nine if I can.

Nightmares. The waking up at 3 is not so bad. It just means more quiet time in the morning and I’m more tired. What is not so fun are the nightmares. Sometimes I do not even know what I dreamt about, but just that it was not good. I get that it is hormones, but I look forward to these stopping whenever they do.

Iron-hard immune system. When Bruno was sick with the flu the other week, I was nervous I would end up getting it too. After all, we live and sleep in close proximity. I figured it was only a matter of time. I braced myself, but never got it. I’ve always had a freakishly good immune system (I get sick — but from migraines and apparently beets and spinach), but this might be one of the more impressive times the system has shown me it won’t let me down.

The nesting has begun. Though Marie Kondo is a little too woo-woo for me (though I might read her book to learn how to fold socks ha!), for the first time in awhile our house is clean. Not immaculate, but clutter is starting to disappear, a rhythm for the days I clean certain things has begun to emerge (today is laundry day), and yes, I’m throwing things out. Of course, I am. It has shown up in other ways too. Though one of our goals was to not eat out in January (unless it is for social event — which has so far only happened twice), I think the urge to cook is probably related to the nesting urge. I like cooking, but making my own yogurt? Definitely a little different.

Running has diminished/strength has improved. One of the interesting things about being pregnant is how differently it affects my running and how differently is has affected my weight-lifting at CrossFit. I had about ten good weeks of running and then boom, slower, painful, and more walking. However, anytime I have lifted weights, I have either been consistent or improved. I have PR’ed both my back-squat and my shoulder press during my second trimester, not to mention a few other movements (although this is a change from maybe the barbell to putting weights on…still a big deal for me). It probably helps that strength-wise I am starting from nothing, so I do not know if it would be the same if I had been doing crossfit for years. But — it does feel good and I cannot help but be impressed with my body. Like holy cow, I am making a baby and pushing seventy pounds over my head. Crazy.

Overall, I’d say things are going well. Like I have mentioned, patience has been key. I want to type-A and do all the things, but physically, especially with running, I have to take a step back. I have to be patient on the days I wake up at three and be ok with the fact that probably after lunch, not a thing will get done because I will be so tired. I can confirm that at least for myself everything I read about the second trimester being better than the first is absolutely true.


Monday Miles : January 14 – 20, 2019 (20-21? Weeks Pregnant)

crossfit, goals, lifting, monday miles, running, swimming

So fun fact. We had our twenty week ultrasound today. I thought last week was twenty weeks, but apparently I’m measuring further along than we all thought and my due date is now late May instead of early June (does it really make that much of a difference?). Anyway, it is nice to know that I’m closer than I thought instead of further. I already feel like I have been pregnant forever.

Anyway — to work outs. Last week was a good week! But I’m back to having a lot of pelvic pain. Then, while doing double-under practice (of course, one of my goals for January), I landed on my left ankle wrong. I thought it would be fine and even continued to run/walk on it. But yesterday and today, it has been really grouchy. That last week went so well means I have the confidence to take it easy this week.

1 – 14 : Swim. 100m free-style warm-up. 10 minutes – 25m swim, 30 seconds rest. Repeat. 100m free-style warm-up. 450m. 2:10/100m. Strava puts me at 492 yards. 1:58/100 yard. Double-under practice. Run/walk. 5 minute walk, 20 minute run, 2 minute walk on treadmill. 2.48 miles. 10:58/mile.

1 – 15 : Run/walk. This is the one from last week where I felt pretty discouraged. I could not even move for ten minutes without having to hop off to use the restroom. 4.49 miles. 12:23/mile. Around 55 minutes.

1 – 16 : Run/walk. 1 mile walk, 1.5 mile run, a little under mile walk. 3.24 miles. 14:24/mile. Around 47 minutes. This went better. I wore the new pregnancy belt which may be why. I feel so weird wearing it inside on the treadmill. It is a self-consciousness problem I think. CrossFit. 5x 45 seconds double-under practice, 300m rowing. 12 minutes 58 seconds. Ok, so the double-unders went so much better. I actually managed 25, which is 25 more than I used to be able to do. It is a start. BUT in the fourth round I landed on my left ankle all wrong. I finished the work-out. I even continued to work out on it for the rest of the week, but given that it is still bothering me today I’m taking it out of commission. I don’t think I broke it considering I can walk and even run on it, but I certainly did something to it. There’s always something.

1 – 17 : Walk outside. 45 minutes. 2.56 miles. 17:35/mile. I like to think that when I do finally do an ultramarathon that I will credit all this walking for helping me get there. Hah! CrossFit. 5 x 3 shoulder press @ 55 lbs. AMRAP – 12 minutes. 1 pull-up (green-band assisted), 2 push-ups, 3 squats; 2 pull-ups (“”), 4 push-ups, 6 squats; 3 pull-ups (“”), 6 push-ups, 9 squats; 4 pull-ups (“”), 8 push-ups, 12 squats; 5 pull-ups (“”), 10 push-ups, 15 squats; 6 pull-ups (“”), 6 push-ups, 6 knee push-ups, 18 squats; 7 pull-ups (“”), 7 push-ups, 7 knee push-ups, 21 squats; 7 pull-ups (“”), 16 knee push-ups, 24 squats; 9 pull-ups (“”). I liked this one. Plus, I was happy I didn’t have to switch to knee push-ups until 12 push-ups and not even all knee push-ups until I had to do 16. Small victory!

1 – 18 : Run/walk. 4.32 miles. 15:48/mile. Around an hour on the treadmill.

1 – 19 : Run/walk on the treadmill. I walked only one mile and then decided I would run for as long as felt ok. I made it to 5.44 miles. 12:26/mile. 1 hour. I was really happy with this! JasYoga Prenatal Fluidity video.

1 – 20 : Rest. Rest. Rest.

Totals : Run. 22.8 miles. 5 hours 10 minutes. Swim. 450m. Around 15 minutes. CrossFit. 2 hours. Double-under practice. Twice. 7 hours 25 minutes.


So What is Good?

crossfit, daily life, dissertation, pregnancy, running

After yesterday’s whine, I must admit I am feeling much better today. Not physically (I’m still in pain), but mentally. I also did not wake up at 2 am, but at 5:30 today — the difference between five hours of sleep vs. eight hours!

So here is what’s good:

I sent my final dissertation chapter to my committee yesterday.  All had read it before, but this was the official and final version. I wrote a conclusion today. All that is left is to make sure formatting and citations are in order and I can officially submit my dissertation.

It is looking like I will defend before I turn 29. Age is arbitrary, but when one of my options was to have my defense on February 4th (my birthday is the next day) as opposed to dates later in the month, I took it. Ph.D. before thirty here I come!

I received a revise and resubmit from a peer-reviewed academic journal. After two rejections, this one felt good! I read through the comments and they look interesting and useful. I will probably not work on it until I’m officially all done with the dissertation — one thing at a time, people! — but I am hoping to get my edits and changes in by the end of February. If it gets accepted, it will be my first academic publication (not a small deal). Huzzah!

Credit at the chiropractor’s office. I will not see my chiropractor until Friday afternoon (get here soon, please!). However, all my visits are financial-guilt free. Years ago, back when I was on my mom’s insurance (thanks Obama!), all my visits were covered, yet I still paid out of pocket for them. Then they would credit me for my next visit, etc. I don’t know, it got confusing, but I still went all the time. I am a real bone-crackin’ believer. Anyway I did not go for several years. Turns out I had a several hundred dollar credit. It is like a gift from past me to future me. Like “Hey future self, you’ll be pregnant, probably in pain, and trying to save in a few years. This is for you.”

Taking a walk outside. Today I did some walking and about a mile and a half of running outside, totaling around three miles. I do not care about the cold. It feels so good to be outside. Yes, I feel stiff and sore and running does not feel lovely, but not being indoors, not being on the treadmill is its own gift. I listened to my dissertation-writing playlist and generally felt joyful.

So yeah, my running is declining. I landed weird (like actually felt a pop) on my left foot while attempting double-unders at CrossFit today and my ankle is swollen (help me ice and ace bandage!). My pelvis hurts. Physically I feel like a mess, but I’m grateful. I’m grateful to just be moving. I’m grateful that I managed twenty-five double-unders today during the work-out which is twenty-five more than the last work-out where I attempted to do them. I’m grateful that today was spent writing and not editing.

So, there you go. That’s what’s good.

Making Peace with the Deluge

crossfit, pregnancy, running

“Après moi, le deluge.”

— supposedly said by Louis XV of France (who preceded Louis XVI who was king during the French Revolution — the deluge)

I am in a state of frustration. For the last few weeks, I keep waking up at 2am. I cannot fall back asleep, so I find the easiest thing to do is to just roll with it. I get up. I make the coffee. I do the morning things. I start working. By mid-morning I’m frazzled and exhausted. I typically work out around noon, so as you can imagine that works out really well.

Today I planned to run sixty minutes, then go to CrossFit. It was icy outside so I went to the rec center and ran on the treadmill. Now — I’m not someone who is normally super physically insecure. Trust me I’m insecure about plenty of other things, but that is not usually one of them. Today I felt it. You see, I am definitely in that phase where if you know that I am pregnant, I look pregnant. However, if you do not know I’m pregnant, I just look like I really indulged over the 2018 holiday season and am a New Year Resolutioner atoning for my gluttonous ways. I walked into the rec with all the skinny college girls on the treadmills and I just felt fat and bloated, not like a pregnant bad ass. So, as you can tell my attitude was fantastic.

Physically, I just felt trashed. My legs felt trashed. Every muscle and joint felt trashed. It just felt stupid hard. I gave up running the whole time after twenty minutes. I quit at around 53 minutes (yeah, I had seven minutes left and I quit). At this point, my groin and pelvis were aching and I went home, ate, and passed out for the next several hours.

I’m frustrated. I don’t love “wogging” — switching back to walking and running. I am frustrated about the fact that I’m just looking at a slow decline between now and June. I am frustrated that my pelvis will not stop hurting. If you mention this, the response is “oh if you are tired now, just wait until the baby comes” or “good luck working out post-baby, so why bother now?” I get it. The great message is that come June life is going to hit the fan, so everything I’m complaining about now is irrelevant. It is (not) very helpful.

Moreover, even though I know, I know physically things are just going to be going downhill for awhile (and not in that fun way), I am having a hard time having patience with it and patience for myself. I know I’m going to have to go slow, but do I really have to take walk breaks? After I make peace with the walk breaks, now do I have to have so much pelvic pain? Even CrossFit related (which frankly, has not been too affected by pregnancy because I have to do everything modified already anyways) — burpees are hard and painful, but should I basically walk like I have saddle legs afterwards because of my cranky pelvis?

I think I envisioned myself being one of those pregnant runners who would run the whole time. And when I had those few amazing weeks November through December, I thought no problem. Even though I knew it might not last, I thought maybe, just maybe, I would be one of those lucky people where it would. And trust me, I’m still going to try. Can’t keep a Type A girl down! I just think I’m going to have to adjust what that looks like with the pelvic pain, because it is painful and not a joy at all.

Most importantly, I think I’m going to have to make peace with the deluge, but aside from re-reading this Katie Grossman article, I still have no idea how to do that yet.



Monday Miles : January 7 – 13, 2019 (19 Weeks Pregnant)

crossfit, lifting, monday miles, running, swimming

This week was derailed by snow, illness, and most of all, shoddy planning. We left for Ohio Thursday night with full intentions of returning Saturday morning. Every single time we travel we bring more than we need. Friday was a planned rest day. So should I bring my work out gear? Anything for my dissertation? No. Because we’re heading right back.

Around three a.m. Saturday morning I woke up to find out Bruno was quite sick. At first we thought maybe indigestion, so I did not think much of it. But after a couple hours, it was very clear he had the flu. He was not going anywhere.

Not that it mattered anyway. It snowed hard in Ohio and the roads were a mess. So Saturday was spent reading kindle books and taking care of Bruno. It was not too bad, although I could feel creeping dissertation anxiety set in.

Sunday, though, the dissertation anxiety was in full swing. Luckily, Bruno felt much better (although definitely not at 100%) and after mass, we drove back up to Michigan, messy roads be damned. I had slept pretty terribly the previous three nights, so all I did was go grocery shopping and try to do as much cooking to prepare for the next week to make sure all I had to focus on was my dissertation.

So yeah — life gave me a bit more rest days. Once again, trying not to get frustrated with myself, but appreciate that hey, at least I can still do this. Plus, there were a few other wins. Three days of CrossFit this week, instead of just one for example. Most importantly, last week’s pelvic pain seems to be much diminished. I will be keeping an eye on it, but much rejoicing on that front.

1 – 7 : 60 minutes walk/run. Mainly walked with 3 x 5 minute runs. 3.96 miles. 15:11/mile. CrossFit. 5 x 3 shoulder presses ever 2:30 minutes – 50 lbs., 55 lbs., 60 lbs. (previous PR), 65 lbs. (new PR!), 50 lbs. WOD – 8 x 20 seconds push press (usually 5-7 each round), 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds bar-bell row (5-7 each round) – used 45 lbs.

1 – 8 : 50 minute run/walk. Walked five minutes, ran ten. Repeat. 3.84 miles. 13:01/mile. CrossFit. 5 x 400m run + 15 hang power-cleans @ 45 lbs. 21 minutes 7 seconds.

1 – 9 : Rest.

1 – 10 : 60 minutes run/walk. Walk 10 minutes, run 20. Repeat. 5.21 miles. 11:31/mile. CrossFit. 10 x for time – 10 burpees, 5 ring-rows, 5 kip swings (I’m not calling this by the right name — I can’t do a kipping pull-up or any pull-up yet). 17 minutes 47 seconds.

1 – 11 : Rest.

1 – 12 : Rest.

1 – 13 : Rest.

Totals : Running – 14.6 miles, 2 hours 50 minutes. CrossFit. 3 hours. 5 hours 50 minutes. Did not do my January goals of swimming or double-under practice (did both today though — so at least starting this week on the right track.)



Favorite Things : January 5 – 11, 2018

favorite things, Uncategorized

Quick post today. I’m home in Ohio because I have a job interview later today. I know, with finishing my dissertation to submit and everything else, right? It will be fun though because I’ll get to have coffee with friends I haven’t seen in awhile.

I cannot express how much better I feel as compared with last week Friday. I really tried hard to take it easy and pay attention to see if the pelvic pain increased or decreased and it has been, for the most part, the latter. I’m hoping (fingers crossed) to do an hour fifteen minute run on Sunday without walk breaks. I’ll take it as easy as I can, but that would definitely feel good. Most importantly, I’ll try to be happy with whatever happens.

Without further ado, here are this week’s favorite things.

David Roche on how lack of time is not an excuse.

Are calendars better than to-do lists?

The need for quiet time.

Joining a regular gym in the new year is apparently a waste of money.

When life gets in the way of running.

I loved this Instagram post from girlsgonewodpodcast.

Have a great weekend!