Thoughts on Working from Home

daily life, dissertation

A couple months ago, at a friend’s wedding a college friend of mine told me that it must be nice to work from home. You do not have to get dressed. You do not have to go anywhere. It seems really easy.

I get it. And I admit to enjoying the advantages of working from home. I can decide when I work out. There is nowhere I have to physically be. The flexibility is wonderful.

Recently an aunt of mine showed up to my house as a surprise. It was 10:30am. I was still in pajamas and the house was chaos. I woke up, poured myself some coffee, and started writing. So, yes, I was doing something, but I was kind of embarrassed to be a 28 year old woman still in pjs on before lunch on a Tuesday.

But I do not love working from home. For one thing, even though being a productive writer makes me happy, sitting around in pajamas all day does not. Being in my house all day makes me agitated, anxious even. Then there is the work/home separation. I wake up. I go to my desk. I work. When I make lunch, there it is, just sitting there. I cannot leave it. It lives with me. There is no end of the day. Even when I’m not working, it is there reminding me that I could be working.

One of the things I’m trying to make more an effort to do this semester is work on campus consistently. Even though I try to do working hours at home, it just is not the same. I need physical separation. I need to have that feeling of coming home from work. I was at work, but now I am home.

I’ve never been one for procrastination or putting things off, but I think going to campus allows for a little bit more order in the day. When I’m home, everything seems to meld together. I’m writing a dissertation and doing laundry. I’m sitting at my desk, but I’m aware, all-too-aware that the dishes need to be done and the living room is a mess. Mental energy.

I have been working in the library for a week now and it feels better. When I go home for the night, I know I’m done for the day. It makes a world of difference.

xo, Ali

Monday Miles : August 27 – September 2, 2018

crossfit, monday miles, running

Kind of a dud week. As I mentioned last week, I sprained my back. Even though it was recommended to me to not rest, I just felt so wiped out that I ended up resting anyway. It was not that my back was unbearable, but it was just that I had no “oomph.” My legs felt exhausted in not the good way. So, I decided to step it off. I’m a little bummed, because I’m not sure what this will mean for my 10k goals, but I already achieved what I wanted to achieve this year. Time off is fine.

I feel much better this week, although my back still pinches a bit. I’m still doing the Run Woodstock Funky Bus 5k on Friday and Hippie Half on Saturday, but only for fun. Even if it ends up being just a hike in the woods, I’ll be totally satisfied. I don’t expect a PR. And I’m not planning on running until this weekend, giving my legs lots of time off.

8-27 : Rest.

8-28 : Run. 4 miles. 9:53/mile. This run felt fine, but this is when I started noticing problems. I could hardly walk without pain the rest of the day. My left lower back felt like it seized up every few steps.

8-29 : CrossFit. WOD (heavily adapted for my back/lazy glutes) – 30 calories on rower. 25 burpees to bar. 40 single-arm presses. 10 lbs. 45 single-leg “squats.” On a single-leg sit down and get back up again. Turn those glutes on, baby! 25 box step-overs. I seriously have no idea how high my box was…just assume the shortest one. 110 foot tumbler pull. 135 lbs. Around 15:50 minutes. The calorie row and the burpees were the worst part for me. When I am on that assault bike, I swear that calorie counter refused to budge. We were give two minutes to do the 30 calories and I just barely made it. And burpees. Winded, every time. It was a fun work out though. I was glad to be able to do something with my back problems.

8-30 : Run. 4.85 miles. 9:15/mile. For the most part, I felt significantly better on this run. My back did not hurt at all, but I just felt tired. Very, very tired.

8-31 : Run. 2.65 miles. First two miles around 10:00/mile. I walked the rest. It felt so hard and I was running so easy. So, I just decided I was done. No running until Run Woodstock. It is time for a break.

9-1 : Yoga with Adriene for Lower Back.

9-2 : Yoga with Adriene for Lower Back and Hips.

Totals: Run – Around 11 miles. CrossFit – 1 hour.

Plans for this week: lots of yoga. No running until Run Woodstock. Take it easy.

xo, Ali